Shockly if you look at a few online dealer prices alot seem to have vans of this age at around 3k
I would expect to negotiate at least £500 off plus a few bits thrown in for that price .
How much warrenty are they offering if any?
Looking at a few on line dealers there are also some vans a bit younger at around this price, do damp checks yourself don't take their word for it then get them to use a damp meter infront of you for a full check.
preloved have good reviews on 3 of this model this is a dealer add and saves 1k on your price but I have no idea how old the advert is
What i will say is that like you I wanted peace of mind and brought from a dealer last year and I don't regret doing so theres alot to be said for even 3 months warrenty, a full service, new tyres and a dealer demonstration of my equipment and place to go back to if you have any problems.