another problem to do with water!our van is a 1989 fleetwood and when we use the shower if you lift the shower head above waist height the water just dribbles out,would fitting a new pump help sort this and if so are they expensive and hard to do.
have no idea if its internal or external,dont know what i'm looking for.the staff at u b c say to take it in and they will tell me how much a better flow one will be but think we might sell the van and get a smaller one.thanks.
We had a problem with our last van like that, shower ok if we held it down towards but much above waist height and it turned to a dribble, hubby blew air through all the pipes and they seemed o.k. bought a new pump e.t.c e.t.c.
urned out to be a twist in the soft pipe that runs up trough the chrome effect outer one all he did was unscrew the pipe and the shower head, straighten out the pipe and it was perfect.