Easiest on a 20yr old 'van is to diy. Get a tub of Isopon P40. This is the filler with the glassfibre in to bridge gaps. rough up the area around the hole with coarse emery paper. Knock up the filler/hardener & smooth over with spatular.
You may need 2 layers, apply second while first is still tacky after about 20mins. Leave it a day, rub down smooth as you can & paint with gloss paint. Won't look that good but job will be done.
Go down to a car accessory shop and just ask for glass fibre in a tin it comes with a hardner.P40 is the filler ,you will get that there to,just tell them what your problem is and im sure some one will put you right.
Quote: Originally posted by jeff juke on 27/4/2011
Go down to a car accessory shop and just ask for glass fibre in a tin it comes with a hardner.P40 is the filler ,you will get that there to,just tell them what your problem is and im sure some one will put you right.
Don't use Halfrauds, find a proper factor and get it for half the price. It takes about half an hour to dry if you use the correct ammount of hardner. It should be ok to rub down after that time. I word of advise though, don't let any hardner get into the tin. Between mixes, let it go hard on the spreader and break the hard filler off afterwards. Don't be tempted to put the spreader back into the tin with any mixed filler on or return mixed filler to the tin or you will get lumps in it.
Quote: Originally posted by LegsDownKettleOn on 27/4/2011
Don't use Halfrauds, find a proper factor and get it for half the price. It takes about half an hour to dry if you use the correct ammount of hardner. It should be ok to rub down after that time. I word of advise though, don't let any hardner get into the tin. Between mixes, let it go hard on the spreader and break the hard filler off afterwards. Don't be tempted to put the spreader back into the tin with any mixed filler on or return mixed filler to the tin or you will get lumps in it.
Thanks v much for this - I would probably have made all these mistakes, so really appreciate it!
Should I be filling in all of the dent? i.e. the whole way along? Or just the bits where the panel is actually cracked?
Hi, when its filled flush is it in a place were you could get away with covering it up with a decal of some sorts, maybe something like this ebay no 250639195159, or just type in caravan graphics