could any body give me some advice as to why the fridge has stepped working in my Bailey Senator Vermont. It wont work on Gas 240v or 12v .Tried all the usual things fuses ect , the 12v green light is on but nothing else is happening.
I will get the fridge out at the weekend turn upside down see if that works,then try the thermostat if they both don't work could be expensive............ouch.............
Inverting the fridge wont work, you haven't stated the make and model. It could be the cooling matrix, electronics or similar. I operate in your area. PM me and I will be able to help you. The fridge is not scrap if it is the cooling matrix as it can be replaced formuch less than a new fridge.
Please note, if you remove the fridge it must be room sealed and tightness tested when re installed.