Hi, Im about to remove the awning rail and replace a window rubber on my caravan project. I know I require mastic to re-seal both the afformentioned but as a newbe Ive hit a bit of a minefiend on this subject. My knowledge of mastic is a quite thick grey material thats quite dense, not the type of sealents you can widely get in these tube with nozzle type dispensers, they are usually more fluid. I live on a scottish Island so its not easy to get hold of such material, no one seems to know what Im on about??? :) So can anyone recomend which mastic to use and where I can get hold of it, probably by post?
Thanks all! :)
Jarrod "Lunar" Tuck :)
Not sure about the window seal, but Sikaflex 512 is the preferred product for longer runs of sealant. Some folk have ran mastic roll down the centre of awning rails and Sikaflex down the edges, but if you arm yourself with both products, you'll be prepared for most needs.
How much window rubber are you after as I have some left over from a complete reseal, Also the mastick on a roll I can get 30mm stuff I think its 30 meters for £30,
I have just done my awning rail, i used soudaseal RV61 which is what our local caravan dealer recomended it cost £6.50 from there workshop, http://www.caravan-components.co.uk/epages/BT2955.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/BT2955/Products/RV61W
Also some 19mm mastic tape.
DCH75... if Lunarjarrod doesnt want the window rubber, what size is it and how much have you got
Thanx for all helpful advice im sorted now, affraid window rubber is useless to anyone, am uncovering some pretty loonie things done to this van, would you believe the rubber was superglued to the window in spots!!!!!!! Therefore it now has holes in it so new rubber is essential.
Have had a good day dispite this and have replaced the damp window frame with new batton. all ready now for the mastic and rubber!