Hi, last couple of trips ive had I’ve noticed that my ultrastore lights for approximately 30s then goes out, rapidly clicks to attempt to relight the gives up and a red Led is displayed alng side the green! Now im not sure if its coincidence but each time its happened ive forgotten to open the hot tap as im tabk fills for the firs time. I was wondering if an air trapped in the water system would casue this or if its just on its way out? I tried this tonight, and it failed but again I forgot to bleed the air out as the tank filled, so I drained the tank, and refilled correctly. When I het the water up this time it was fine!
So is it coincidence or would it have been the air in my system casing this?
the truma water is protected against not having water inside,unless its full it will not light.it also protects itself by being full all the time in use,as you run a hot tap cold follows in.unless you bleed all the air out when filling by opening both taps one at a time on the hot side it can not get full.it will not work on gas if the cover outside is not removed.it will switch itself on and off as required as it reaches 70.