We've just got our first caravan, and when we plug the electrics into the house electrics it keeps tripping the electrics....we've purchased a brand new battery for the caravan and its still happening.
Any help or advice would be appreciated as we can't understand why it keeps doing this
If it's the RCD or MCB it wont reset at all unless you physically reset it. If it's going off and then coming back on without you doing anything then it sounds like a loose connection in the hookup lead.
If it is the RCD in the house that trips then firstly unplug the hookup cable from the caravan but leave it plugged in to the house electrics,if it trips the fault is in the hookup cable.If it doesn't trip then open the RCD and MCB's in the van and reconnect the van,if it trips the fault may be on the tails from the hookup point on the van and the van's RCD, if it doesn't trip close the van RCD and push the test button to prove it's working,if it trips OK then reclose it,switch off everything that is plugged in and close an MCB,if it is OK then switch on anything previously switched off one at a time if nothing trips then switch everything off again,assuming you have 2 or more MCB's repeat the process to determine if anything in the van is causing it.
Could it just be condensation or water inside the plug ends to the outside EHU point? You may just need to use a hairdryer on the plug ends. Been a lot of water about lately!