my compass rambler floor has desired to part company with its self ,the thing is the floor gone soft /or what ever you want to call it in lots of different places along the van floor from just inside the door then from the loo/shower door in different places to the front of the van so there,s lots of small areas of spongey floor some it only four by five inches wide which you can see when you put a s/level across them any ideas would be welcome on repairs, at the moment I am leaning towards glueing a sheet of 1/2 ply over it just to save messing about with the one shot kits off eBay and drilling hundreds of holes in the floor to sort it out as I don't think it worth the hassle of doing along with the other things that need sorting out .
Starting to get fed up with this van now' we going to leave the floor untill after our summer holiday and repair it after we back home,as we keep the van at home swmbo deside'd that while she was at work today I should check the heating and other bits to make sure there's no more problems with the van before next weeks trip away ,yep you got it in one ,the truma heating only working on the low'st setting and the water heater will only work on gas ,every thing was fine when we last used it in October last year and the heating been in the van a couple of since then as we used it as a extra bedroom when family members have stayed over ,just don't know what to do with right now .
If its an older caravan then all that really matters is that it works for you & provided the repairs work then that is all that matters. If you think the plywood will do the job in the easiest & cheapest way then do that.
I brought it new February 06 and its only now things are starting to go wrong so can't really complain about it !just happing at the wrong time with us being skint paying for the daughter's wedding back in November and then Christmas on top of it left us skint ,that's life and I won't be the only one in that boat ,trying to deside'd what to do and what I can or can't afford to get fix'd the problem for now .
Silly question ,while pokeing around in my shed trying to find my multi metre I found a container of PVA multi adhesive and I was wondering if that would rebond the caravan floor if used it the same way as the repair kit ,drill holes inject glue etc ?