So just started on my caravan adventures and already ruined one battery.....oops. So I have an Abbey Vogue, its parked up at home now, plugged into the mains, not on car or van for power and batteries on charge..... I think thats right?
I'm led to believe this will keep the battery topped up but not in the best of condition. I've been looking at the Numax connect and forget charger, can anyone advise me if this is the way to go? I could do without forking out on a new battery every year!!
My battery is 13 years old, it gets used in the summer and charged appropriately when Hooked up. We are not goin out now till February so it is all drained down and sorted out. The battery is in the van and connected but the electrics switched off. It will get a charge at Christmas when we use the fridge, but that is it. I expect a good few years from this battery yet. There is no need to keep it perpetually topped up. If there is no drain a top every three months is fine.
------------- Bill
For a licence dated 1997 or later you must add together the plated max weight of the caravan and trailer, if the total is 3500 or less you can tow it. You may even tow a caravan with a MAM greater than the cars unladen mass the restriction was removed in 2013
Assuming that your Electrics are switched OFF in your van as there is a drain when all the lights etc are OFF!
When we are not away our battery is 'topped up' by Solar Panel with a Regulator fitted so once the battery is full the Regulator stops charging it so it doesn't boil the living daylights out of the cells!
You could use a small solar panel of say 20 Watts which would keep your battery topped up, or just put it on a low output charger of say 6 Amps every couple of months to keep it topped up.
------------- According to Winnie the Pooh .... “Planning is what you do before you do it so that when you do it you don't get mixed up".