Hi all.
I’m after some info on electrics.
I have my tourer permanently sited.
The site electrics are only 6amp and continuously trip.
Where the van is I have access to 4 x 6amp outlets which are never used as you cannot get another van there.
So the question is could I have 2 plugs from the site electric box going into one so it will double the ampage to 12 bit still be 240v. 🤔
Thanks in advance.
If the box is tripping all the time could be for a number of reasons eg,
Fault in mains cable
Running too many things like telly and kettle at the one tine.
You have to know how many amps a kettle for instance is drawing or if you have one a micro wave and think what things you can put on before the box trips.
Im not a spark but,i would not advise what your suggesting till i asked one
It won’t work. You firstly won’t be able to fit two cables in to one socket safely. It also won’t actually give you a 12 amp supply it will just be two separate 6 amp supply’s so it will still trip when overloaded:
If the site does not use, or need all those hook ups, ask them to upgrade your breaker supply.
if they have 4 x 6 breakers = 24amps.
So the incoming should cope with at least 24 amp.
Prob on 32 amp anyway.
So 1 x 16 amp breaker instaed should do the job, and not overload the supply.
But not seeing the box i can only guess. As there may be other things to take into account.