I have been using my van regularly throughout the summer without problem. It is on a seasonal pitch with mains electric hook up. I have arrived today. Plugged my electric in. Filled my aquaroll. Turned on my pump. All seemed well. When I run water (hot or cold. Any tap.) The pressure is ok initially but gradually slows down to nothing. My pump is running but no pressure. It takes an age to repressure the system. The pump is warm to the touch. Am I right in thinking that the pump needs replacing?
There should be a gauze filter screwed on the end of each tap (apart from the shower head) and if you remove them they often get clogged up with bits which of course restricts the flow of water.
If there is a restriction then it will over work the water pump thus the reason why it's getting warm, however, I found that the cold tap furthest away from the water inlet usually collects more debris than the nearest one.
I suggest you drain the water out the system, remove the presure switch and strip it down to see if there is any bits inside and inspect the parts respectively especially the diaphragm. The cover is held on by 3 small screws and inside the port is a coil spring and a round rubber diaphragm with a spindle which vibrates to and fro which pumps the water through the pipes. Remove the parts gently then flush the main body through with a hose or run it under the tap and replace the parts in the reverse order. Inspect the rubber diaphragm to make sure there is no pin hole in it as this will definitely cause a loss of water pressure if there is. If the diaphragm IS defective then the part is not replaceable so a new pressure switch will be required. However, when re-fitting the pressure switch it's important you install it the correct way round as there is an arrow on the side showing the direction of water flow. When fitted, refill the water system, reset the switch accordingly and then test to see if the water flow is better than previous.
I had a similar problem with one of my previous caravans and the above method solved the problem of low pressure. It's worth a try or just replace the pressure switch and keep the old one for spares.
Thank you tango55.
I replaced the pressure switch. No improvement. I figured that the pump was working. The pressure switch working. It had to be a blockage somewhere. I removed the filter. Yippee. Success. The filter must have been blocked. Currently running without one until I get to my dealer.
Thank you for your help.
Just do away with the filter altogether as they serve little purpose and are more trouble than they're worth. When you drain down for winter a water filter can still contain a percentage of fresh water that freezes which in severe cases can cause a lot of damage due to ice expansion.