We have decide to site our Bailey Barcelona Caravan this season. 1st March - 30th November. I was wandering what is the best way to try and insulate during the colder periods. Is their a recommended reflective flooring insulation you can use? Is it worth lagging the pipes etc?
Take it you are going on a seasonal pitch. March to November normal caravaning season so why lagging etc etc. Like when you put it in storage for off season drain everything down.
the one thing you can do is cover up the gap between the ground and around the caravan in the same way statics do, this stops the wind getting under the caravan, it depends on if you have an awning skirt channel on both sides, for the front and rear you would just need to buy the awning skirt with the extra length so you could attach it, i.e. if your caravan is 5 m long by 2.5 wide then you need two 7.5m awning skirts