Hi all, in our Avondale we have the aerial booster in the cupboard. There are 4 cables for this, all original (all same cable size/colour/termination), but only 3 ports on the booster to plug in to.
One will be the feed from the roof mounted aerial, one for the aerial point on the side, and one for the aerial point in the TV cupboard, but I'm not sure what the fourth does? Anyone will an Avondale able to clarify?
I've searched high and low and can't find a 3rd point. My only other thought we maybe it was an additional incoming feed (in order to plug in to a super service pitch where the TV signal is provided) but can't see anything, not even under the van.
I'm going to get my continuity tester on it to label the 3 up, but what about the 4th?
On my previous caravan the radio was connected by coax cable to the TV booster.
Apparently, using the TV aerial and booster is supposed to receive a better reception I was told.