My problem is that when I wind the jockey wheel, the winder hits the handbrake. The caravan is a 2005 Swift Accord with an inboard jockey wheel. The only solution I can see, is for me to locate the jockey wheel on the outside of the A frame. This would mean drilling two holes in the galvanised chassis.
Other members thoughts would be appreciated.
Hi Malcolm I have just looked at video of a swift caravan like yours the jockey wheel handle should not hit the handbrake. If yours does maybe your handbrake needs adjustment or maybe you jockey handle is not the original one fitted. There appears to be minimal offset crank or set in the handle as shown in the video. Adjusting the handbrake or re cranking the jockey handle would be better than moving the jockey. I would add I do like the interior design decor and fittings of the swift accord shown in the video. Happy caravanning.
Some jockey wheel tubes are fixed to the side of the 'A' frame as standard but you will find that the supporting bracket is not bolted on but welded each side onto the galvanised chassis. This has to be done because AL-KO state not to drill holes in the 'A' frame at all and will invalidate your insurance as it is classed as a modification. The underlying fault will be with the jockey wheel handle so the best solution is to replace the jockey wheel with the correct type which would have been fitted as standard when new.
A picture would be useful, but do not drill the chassis; its galvanised and any drilling can weaken the integrity of this, I would speak with Al-ko support for advice.