I have a 1996 Elddis Wisp 350 with damp on the O/S caused by the awning rail leaking.
It is a project I am keen to tackle, however I wonder if anyone has removed the 2 upper cupboards on the O/S. Looking physically I am struggling to find the fixing points of the cupboards, and searching the forums/Wizards website hasn’t given me any clear ideas.
I will need to remove them to give access to replace the battens and wallboard.
I think the cupboards are actually fixed from the outside before the outer aluminium skin is put on. Not sure how you would remove them, but I'm sure someone will know.
Thanks for your reply. I am also thinking they are fixed from the outside.
I think my only option is to try and create a small opening and either gently pry the fixings away without damaging the skin, or if the gap is big enough, attempt to cut the screws.
If there are any other suggestions, please let me know.