what type of jack inputs does it have. Is it just the standard car plug. or does it have other input jacks. What is the power rating of the coolbox.
You can get extensions that plug into your car cig socket or 12s socket on trailor hitch pins 3 & 4 or pins 9 & 13 on a continental plug.
you can get 240v plug in transformers with varying plugin jacks. these are varing power ratings check. ie 1000mA equates to 12 WATTS max 800mA equates to 9.6 WATTS max as the coolbox is to plugged in for a long time I would use a higher powered transformer ie 1000mA for 9 or 10 WATTS required
There are plug adaptors available. it may be short notice for ordering of the internet befor the weekend http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=19296&item=5224489874&rd=1&ssPageName=WD4V