We are about to pick up a new caravan which will be fitted with a bulkhead gas regulator, we intend to use the new BP Gas Light bottles but have been unable to source a connector and hose. Help please.
You will need a 27mm connector, available through most caravan accessory chops, and also a Butane pigtail to fit between the connector and the regulator. The propane pigtail does not fit.
Contcat Truma Gas line on 01283 586080. I think you could find all the parts you need through them. Christine is very helpful. Truma do distribute the smaller bottles, but I am not sure about availbility of the smaller bottles if that is what you are looking for. I initially had problems getting a 5Kg bottle for camping but I have been told the larger bottles are available through almost any BP gas supplier. But Truma will let you know which caravan supplier will be able to help you.