Just been down to yorkshire for the weekend visiting family and went to visit gooutdoors/mitchells camping at wakefield. Its absolutely fantastic - like a great big sweetie shop!! Lol - i hated going as a kid, how things change.
Does anyone know if we have a big camping shop in cumbria anywhere? I know we have a few small shops in carlisle but they only have maybe 3 or 4 tents up each - whereas this one had a big field full and more inside.
Have definately decided to buy a better quality tent now after looking on saturday but we're disagreeing on which one! I love the bear lake, i like the layout and also the material its made out of sounded so much quieter, but Rob likes the vango diablo 600 (i think its too big and would take up masses more space than the bear lake). There again there were loads of others we liked too, problem is we cant travel down to yorkshire just to have yet another look around (and i think it will take a few trips to persuade him that the bear lake is better ).
So - does anyone know where there is a big tent display anywhere nr us?
Also - the bear lake, what is the material its made out of and what difference is there between that and the polyester ones? I may be thick but hey - i was born with blonde hair!
Post last edited on 30/04/2007 00:06:02