I recently bought what I thought was (and was advertised as) a 2007 Monty 6 from go out doors. However I have a feeling its last years model. It does not have the temperature gauge and does not have the Velcro for the guys. Could you please tell me what the other differences are between the 2?
I saw 2006 models with 25% off at the end of last year but held out for the new model. So if I’ve paid the full amount for last years model I’m going to be after a refund
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The main thing, which is mentioned on these pages (and which I have noted on display tents) is that the poles for this season are square,instead of D section (supposedly to stop them sticking together, as was reported on 2006 models).
Sounds like you have a 2006 model I bought a 2007 and thats what I was sent I promptly returned it and am now thw proud owner of a "Gauge" the end of the pole section ,where they butt has a square section end and the guy lines have velcro to hold them when packed.I bought mine from Millets and have to say they have been 110% for after sales as my second Monty had a tear in the porch again swapped within 24 hrs Mail order to North Scotland.