We have just tried to pitch our new Vango Amazon 800 what a job the DVD made it look so easy but trust us it isnt, after two hours of huffing and puffing we gave up. Pitching DVDs are a good idea but some written instructions would also be useful as you dont always have a DVD player to hand in the middle of a field, so we have written our own instructions to pop in the bag and hopefully next time we have a day off we can try pitching again hopefully a bit more successfully. Anyone with any tips on how to get this beast up (!!!) please let us know .
A stressed Thomas Family xx
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Congratulations on buying the Amazon . Lovely tent , just a little large to handle initially. The pitching video is good . Have you tried to download the ipod or phone version of it so that you have it handy ? Sometimes in a relatively confined space it is a little harder anyway , you can get in the way of each other . Even though you had to give up , you can now reference the tent , and should be more successful .Could always play with Knex to help reinforce what you need to do , trust me, it works!!
After a struggle putting this tent up and then back down our 7 year old said daddy why didnt you use the instructions in the bag DOOHHHH !! didnt see them did we !! now we know should be much easier next time xxx
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