Hi am pretty happy with our tent, couple of issues but mainly on the whole happy.
One of the corners of the main part of the tent (roof corners not floor) has so much tension some of the stitching has pulled so i keep worrying it will break. Thought it was probably not enough to take back and it was normal, maybe not now i have read on the other thread.
Hay - I only purchased mine at the end of July, and after reading all the prolems people were having with the Maryland - and having not used/pitched mine - I was pretty worried, but I have to say thankfully, mine seems ok. Now I have been away twice, only long weekends but have encountered some pretty fierce winds and rain. (and only 15 mins from home - lol) Off on out third trip this weekend and I can't wait - still only 15 mins from home.
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I think you all aware what I think of this tent and Outwell's response or lack of it in this matter I think it is very sub standard for the money you pay for it , nearly everyone has had to have one replaced and the fabric is to tight on all of them (hence why the corners lift).The stiching on the whole is pretty poor and I don't see this tent standing up to be a long term investment family tent (which is why all of us bought one) . Give it a year or two of being used and I can see them falling apart IMO , I have owned a Khyam for ten years and it is still going strong , I don't see the Maryland's lasting any where near that and it cost three times as much.
This is the first Outwell tent we have bought and it will definatly be the last , and Outwell if any of your representatives are reading this your customer services are lousy , get your act together.