Does anyone know if this extension fits well on the front of a Navada 4. I currently have a Vango extension which works well. However, I would like my extension to match as the Vango model is bright blue! Has anyone have any experience with using the minnesotta 4 front extension with Nevade 4?
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I very much doubt that they would work together. Because the Nevada shape is formed by bent fibreglass poles and the Minnesota by shaped steel poles the shape that is created by each is very different, so I doubt they would fit together well. Also, the Minny Extension attaches to the Minny tent by clips that attach to the steel poles; the clips will be far too large to clip onto the much thinner fibreglass poles.
I suspect it's a total non-starter. I wouldn't worry too much about colour coordination; I have a grey Aztec canopy on my blue Nevada 3. It works, that's the main thing.