i am a proud new owner of a wynnster cygnus 6..bought reecently for a hundred quid,used only once..I thought i would hav a practice at putting it up before using it nxt easter.a bit premature you might think but anyhow.The inner dome went up no problem.i left out the 2 grey poles which form the roof as per the instructions,and tried in vain to drag over the outer fly sheet (which has the front porch built in)..No matter how hard i tried to throw it over the dome,which is aboout 6' 6" foot tall i couldnt do it..does anyone know how to do it easily.i did try pulling out some of the bedroom poles to partially collapse it but once the outer sheet was over i couldnt reach underneath to smooth out the material across the poles..
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We had one and only used it once too, The configuration wasn't quite right in that the little'un didn't want to sleep in his own room at the time and we couldn't all fit into one room
If I remember rightly, this tent is nigh-on impossible to pitch solo and IMHO I reckon to do so would probably risk snapping a pole or 2!!
If you thread the front porch pole into it's sleeve and then, starting at the back door, you and your pitching partner should take a side of the pole each and "walk" the flysheet over, i.e lift the flysheet over the inner tent using the canopy pole for height IYSWIM? line up the flysheet with the pegging points on the bedroom areas then peg the 2 middle points (either side) and finally the 2 points either side where the canopy starts at the front of the main tent and then guy out the canopy, you can then peg the rest and "tweak" as neccesary
We used this method when pitching our Anglesy (also a Wynnster tent) and found that it also worked with the Cygnus on practice pitch and when we used it in anger.