We have just got a Sibley 400 Ultimate from Canvascamp - got in up for the first time in minutes, v. pleased etc etc but how on earth do you get it back in the bag? It seems to be a tighter than a tight thing fit even though the bag is sensibly made with an insert v piece of material at the open end. Even leaving the poles out of the equation it just "won't" go in. The bag is open at one end rather than with an opening along the 'long edge' as it were which I thin would make things easier.
The tent on it's own will fit in a 'Really useful' type plastic box of 85 litres ( just) if one sits on the lid and long ago school boy maths tells me the 1.07m long bag with a 36cm diameter gives me about 100 litres to play with but will go in will it flip!
Any techniques out there - feel free to include a you-tube link. I've been looking at sailing bags with a longitudinal opening but they're a bit pricey....
Yes that Vango looks good - slightly confused as to why they quote two dimensions , 26cm and 36 cm for the depth but assuming it's 36cm then that's , what,er, 130 litres I think which is good to go for a 4m bell tent.
There is a large upper compartment for main tent then a lower small like I mentioned for the groundsheet/footprint etc so that might be why and theyve missed a few numbers.
Special Needs Mum, Overprotective With Serious attitude!
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Ah-ha! Might be room for the poles in that one at
well at 170 litres but now I'm in a dither over not having a separate bag for dirty/wet ground sheet. Perhaps careful rolling & folding will get over that. Mind you back in the day when we bought our first ever dome tent, a 1981 Wintergear from Field and Trek in Brentford they advised on irregular stuffing rather than folding so that the creases were not always in the same place thus weakening the fabric. And that tent did last nearly thirty years.....thread drift threatens so adieu.
Update : the 4m tent and g/sheet fits comfortably in a top zipped bag 40cm by 40cm by 80 cms. Poles, inner and other clobber goes in the bag the tent came in.
Thanks for all your help and advice.
------------- toodlepip!
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