Also it is quite large at 4.2m wide and 7.1m long (with porch). Is this going to fit in a standard pitch (and a car)? I don't want to pay extra if I can do so by buying a slightly smaller tent.
Many thanks, Gary.
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Some campsites might charge you for a double pitch, some may charge a nominal additional charge but a lot won't. You just need to check with the campsites before you book and choose the ones with suitably sized pitches.
We are booked onto two campsites in Wiltshire and Cornwall this summer and changed our tent from a 3x6m tent to a 4.1x6.5m (7.3 with the optional vestibule) tent after we booked. Neither site said it would be a problem, in fact one of them said they would move us to a larger pitch to give us a bit more space! Although one of them had already charged us an additional £3 per night because we were more than 5m long.
Pitch sizes vary from site to site, you just need to do a bit of homework to find the best ones.