I need to buy a porch extension for my Nevada M as we need more space. The last time I used it I realised that I needed either a bigger tent or some kind of extension. Anyway funds don't really stretch to buying a new tent to the same quality as my Outwell so I thought I'd investigate the options of buying side and or front extensions to make it bigger.
Anyway my problem is that I realise my beloved tent is now old and therefore it's been superseded by new versions and therefore I can't easily see extension options available. Plus I have been looking at second hand options on eBay and have found absolutely nothing. Am I too late?
I did buy a crappy universal add on a few years ago and it wasn't a great fit and we ended up with lots of puddles etc so I'd prefer a proper fitting Outwell extension thing as the add on thing I mentioned was quickly retired!!
Would newer Outwell extension fits my 5 man tent?
Any advice greatly received.
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