Hi Guys,just tried out our 2017 vango maritsa 600xl airbeam tent.Went up like a dream.Packing away was a different story!On our old air porch awning you unscrewed the bung and hey presto the air came out.Not on this beasty.The air valves are spring loaded and air only comes out with the button depressed.When trying to fold up, the air you thought you had got out compresses and stops you folding flat.You therefore have to try and push the air out while holding in the button at the opposite end to where the air is.Took 4 attempts to fold and still got air in it.Any suggestions?Have taken valve adaptors off of vango supplied pump to fit my electric pump as vango are different type of valve.This means not being able to use the deflate on the handpump.
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We have a 2017 Vango Solace, and the white oval `bits in the centre of the air points just rotate to let the air out...usually with quite a whoosh! Push in and turn anti-clockwise.
We've had airbeams since 2013, and were advised never to use the hand pumps on the deflate setting as it could damage the beams.
Have always managed to get the air out buy rolling and folding a couple of times toward the open valves.
You might find this useful as it demonstrates how the valve works....
Thank you camperclan,you can see clearly on the video open/closed.Perhaps if I had my glasses on I would have seen it.Saved me loads of frustration and kept me out of the divorce court.
Thank you Garry-found this before and its easy when you know how.Must wear my glasses!The better half is most grateful for the help offered and is gloating and will be for the foreseeable future.
I used the atwools way (sorry gary), back into the bag 1st time.
The valves need to be twisted 90° to the right, and fold the tent towards the valve therefore pushing air out,