Consider this situation.
A site has 10 pitches available for a popular long weekend. Some people decide just to go for the Saturday night - the site takes 1 night's worth of money from them. Repeat 9 times. Now, for the same long weekend, others decide to go for Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, but they can't because the site is full on the Saturday.
The site loses out due to the shorter stays.
Also, regardless of the length of stay the admin charges are pretty well fixed per booking, say £1.00 for stamp/stationery/getting to the post box/processing card (even more if you pay by cheque and the site has a typical business current account) as a very conservative estimate.
The site loses out due to a greater number of shorter stays.
Maybe if a site was full to the brim from the start of its season (say 1st March) to the end (say 30th October) you may have a point. But like any outdoor activity supply and demand ebbs and falls due to weather and the like, you can see any number of threads on the forum moaning about the cold weather "at Easter".
I'm with scarletsfan on this one.