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Don't forget to leave a review of the campsites you have visited this year or last!
To be a "nice to have" facility on a campsite for the casual user checking emails, forward booking sites etc it does not require a wide area WiFi transmission.
Follow what appears to be the continental norm of a domestic installation at the site's cafe , bar or reception. Some are even piggy backed on the owners system, one was a FON.
That way it cost the owner zero additional cost; and if you want to catch up on your emails or "phone a friend" all you need to do is get off your butt and walk up to the hotspot, and often it's for free. It works so well and is much appreciated over there is hard to understand why it's made such an issue over here.
By the way, my own system is made available in just this way.
Why Pay at all
Go to McDonnald and its free for a coffee.
Or if you are member sign up to BT Broadband FON network and then use legaly any wifi site that is also a member. There are thousands.