Aerosols inside tents compromises the waterproofing on the tent material, hence not spraying in there! It can also degrade the polyester quicker.
There's also a fire risk- if you spray bug stuff in there then a while later light your calor gaz lantern- whoosh! (Yes I know grizzled old lags who have been camping for millennia would know not to do this, but newbies might not consider it)
We only charge about £13 for baby sleeping bags at work. They're made by Vango, and are really decent pieces of kit. However wrapping junior up in fleeces as mentioned here is no bad thing, and economical (you can pick up little fleece blankets from £1 shops that would do the trick nicely!)
You're going camping because you want to hang out with the nice people (campers and caravanners are on the whole a friendly lot, and helpful with it) and because you want your little one to appreciate the outdoors.
Your lighting options are considerable: torches for when you go out, to return to the campsite with, and a whole range of lanterns that don't need lecky to function. My favourite at the mo is the Kampa Sunny, which is solar powered and gives several hours of light on a medium setting.
As the little one grows up and gets mobile (help!) you might want to purchase some toys and games. We've had a run of customers buying tennis and badminton sets, Kites, foam-filled caravan/tent friendly footballs, and indoor games like dominoes, paying cards and jacks.
You'll enjoy it. You'll feel a bit strange the first night, but stick with it. You'll make friends for life.