Glad I'm not the only softie counting down !...10 days to go...not including today !....can't wait, can't wait, can't wait....can't wait to start packing...but I feel it's a bit early yet....but next week I'll be packing like a whirling dervish !...and the weather is supposed to turn a bit better in a week or two....( isn't it? )
bit longer than you guys 14/8 we go, where thats a different question, we havent decided yet, did think about north wales again, but maybe the east coast/norfolk area, have just got a inkling for longleat though!!!!! desicions desicions.
Don't forget to leave a review of the campsites you have visited this year or last!
Only 13 days to go and the isle of wight we come. Washed all the plates and cultery from the garage yesterday. Checking list today to make sure everything is on there. Packing trailer next weekend ready for the following weekend. I really can't wait 2 weeks of heaven.
5 sleeps to go - then salcombe here we come !!!!....2 days of work left, then 2 days of packing...up early next saturday...get past Bristol before 9 - then brekkie at at MacDonalds !....
Quote: Originally posted by wend278 on 30/07/2005
Woohoo, 2 weeks today and we're off to Fforest Fields for a week
We're off to Fforest Fields for the Bank Holiday, mind you I've got a trip to Pelerine in Newent to look forward to this weekend (despite the poor forecast).