I have a waeco B40 compressor fridge freezer, yes it only uses about 30-35 amps per day at 5 degrees c, however, when you add the 12 amps current that my efficient pure sine inverter uses over 24h on top, it uses more amps than a silent thermo electric type fridge.(40 amps per day)
The compressor is quite noisy when kicking in and also coolant makes whiring noises, quite annoying in a small tent. Also the lid tends to vibrate when the compressor is running, very annoying. I now leave mine running in the back of our shogun off a couple of 12v 110amp hour leisure batteries, topped up with 220 watts of mono panels and a victron 15 amp mppt charge controller.
I would stick to an efficient thermo electric type rather than compressor type for campers unless you camp in the south of france. If you have an awning or earplugs then get a compresor fridge.
Hi Neil.
Strange that your Mobicool B40 should be so noisey, we have the Mobicool C40 which is pretty much the same unit.
And for our fortnight campings in the South of France during July, any noise from the C40 is not noticeable whilst we sleep, and the C40 is in the living area of the tent.
Our other compressor fridge is a icle Waeco CF25 which at 6 years old is still performing as new, we use that in the car, and also in hotel rooms for our overnight stops, even the CF25 when next to the hotel room bed, does not make enough noise to disturb my sleep. And although Mrs Francais is dead to the world whilst asleep, a pin drop would have me awake!