Thanks Caz, I think she will be confident enough as long as she can reach the handlebars and pedals OK, she's been using a childseat on the back of my bike since she was about 6 months, I can still manage this, but thought it would be a good idea to have her do some pedalling too.
Thanks Rizzo, I did think of that, but can't see her cycling independantly for ages, apart from in the garden, and definately not keeping up with me. Also someone mentioned on this thread that the bars didn't fit the 12" wheel bikes, which is the one she has.
The bars that just conect one bike to another were in Lidl recently for either £15 or £20 and I missed out and needed one too ,but looking at the price of them new ,ill wait till they come back !
Just had a leaflet through, these bars (tandem pole, they call them) are back in Lidls from 30th March. £19.99. Think I'll get one and see how we get on with it. Still think will get a proper trailer bike later though.
My OH took our little girl when she was about 5 to the local forest. There is shop there that hires out bikes for riding the brilliant tracks around this forest. He hired one of those bikes attached to the back and put daughter on. He cycled off and was thinking to himself how light it felt. He spoke to her - no answer. He stopped and looked round and she was sitting on the bench outside the hire shop. She had jumped off as soon as he took off cos she didn't like it!!!
Not really an answer to the quetions but I thought it very funny at the time.
It probably depends on who is going to use it, what you are going to use it for and how often and how many children you have, so how long it is going to be in use. If you are going to do any distance, a tag along that attaches to a rack rather than the seat post is much more stable. If you usually ride independantly, and just occasionally need to tow, for example on longer than usual day rides when camping, then a gator bar will be fine. In between is a seat post attached trailer bike. It also depends who is towing and how independent the child is. If you regularly do rides of 15+ miles or you have a small woman as the pilot, think about a tandem - much more stable, and less exhausting, with an exellent resale value for better ones.
Yay, I got one!! A gator bar that is, or tandem pole as Lidl call them. Thanks to Skatty for picking one up from Hull when they came in stock while we were at Skirly. Hubby just fitted it and me and Katy had a ride round the estate. Am impressed, for just £20, we should get a lot of use from this. Look out for when they come back into Lidl.