Hi, I was having problems with my 3 way fridge and finally fixed it today but wanted to post this to let people know what my problem was and i hope it will help people out.Anyway my fridge would not run on gas,i cleaned the burner and made all the basic checks and could get it to fire up with a nice blue flame but when i released the gas knob it would go out.So i bought a new thermo couple thinking all would be well,but it was still the same,so i was thinking it could only be the valve.i did not want to buy new so have been looking for one on the internet auction sites with no luck.its been driving me mad for months and thought id try;d everything.Any way i dont like to give up so tonight i took the gas knob of the front panel and pressed the metal part in and try'd again and it worked perfect.The only thing i can think of is the valve must have moved back slightly with age and use,although it looked and felt fine.and the knob was not pressing the valve back far enough.we are talking 1mm if that but it was enough to stop it working.so now i have just put a bit of paper pushed into the back of the knob and it works fine.i would never have thought it would make a difference but im sure there are people with the same fault out there so i hope this helps someone.Sorry to go on but im over the moon as they say
hiya mikey, yes its a common fault, as you say the knob is not pushing in far enough and is hitting the facia i usally just pull the knob off, add a bit of pacing and hey presto a thirty pound job done for nowt
Just came back from France in a 19 year old Fiat Motorhome with an RM212 fridge which had the same problem. Read your article and within 5 minitues the flame was burning bright, working great. Many thanks for your help.