Just browsing on the Lakeland website doing the usual "I WANT" and came across this cheap airer. Wish I'd seen this a couple of years ago as I wouldnt have got my wynnster one, even though it is good LOL!
It looks as if it would blow over very easily if outside. Probably would work well in an awning, but would it support the weight of a couple of big bath towels?
Quote: Originally posted by Emma H on 25/3/2008
Do you know how you stop it blowing over in the wind if using it outside?? And how small it packs down to?
From what I've read it says it for light items of clothing, so wouldnt be ideal for beach towels, you'd need a wynnster one for those or you could probably drap one across the top of it?! But I suppose for the camper who doesnt take everything including the kitchen sink (I take way too much LOL!) it would be quite handy for them, looks like it would fold up a lot less bulky then the wynnster rotary airer. I reckon you could push it into the ground if it permits to stop it falling over.