The coleman extremes and their igloo counterparts can usually be purchased at costco for good prices, if you or a friend have a card it's worth a look. We have both the Coleman and an Igloo they are very good. used them for 4 day weekends and still had cold drinks at the end of the trip. The art is in how uyou pack them. We use a mixture of freezer blocks and litre bottles of water frozen. We freeze milk for the second half of the trip too. Everything goes in cold, and we pre-coll before a trip. Would recommned highly. The Igloo is our preference as it is a better shape, being the ice cube one, with wheels and a pull out handle. They both work as well as each other IMO though.
------------- Christine
April -
BunRoy Fort William 3 sleeps
April / May
Invercaimbe Arisaig 4 sleeps
Bleatarn Brampton tbc July
I've got the Coleman Extreme 70QT and have been very impressed. Sometimes just a bit big as there can be wasted space inside, but very useful when I don't want to take the 3-way fridge for a weekend or can't get EHU pitch. Strong and well made. I even use it for general storage and for packing stuff in. Managed to get mine off eBay for £20 and was virtually brand new (I collected).
we have colman extreme , i prepared it night before with lots of frozen bottles of water , ice packs etc . then repack it all again with more frozen packs, icecubes packs . we went camping sunday till wed and we still had frozen ice cubes when we got home . i didnt drink enough bircardi and coke lol