We have one of these. Wouldn't be without it! Its very sturdy and the ring that holds the bags holds them nice and tight even with a lot of weight in the bag. The mechanism that grips the frame and holds the toilet in its open position is nice and tight so there is no chance of it collapsing. We get our bags off an eBay seller as I haven't found them available from anywhere else online, but we are keeping our eyes open for a good make of white bin liners that are slightly better quality than the average. The BIOTOI toilet bags may also fit, but we haven't tried them.
We have actually found a cheap flexible chopping board that fits nicely over the top as a lid adopting the contour of the seat. It has a ready made hole by which I've tied it loosely to the frame of the toilet. I added some car decals - fun orange splats - to the chopping board to make it a bit jazzy! You don't need a lid, but we also use it as a waste bin during the day and the lid is good at keeping the wasps away. It also looks fun!
We use it as a loo at night and just empty the contents of the bag (found that don't need anything to absorb the wee - it just adds weight) down the loo or elsan point and then bin the bag. Afterwards we anti-bac the seat and lid and put a bin liner under the securing ring and use it as a waste bin during the day.
Its very compact for packing and does two very useful jobs! Excellent!