We bought a cheap aluminium camping kettle from Asda, it's only 1 litre, which is fine for us, but after drinking a couple of cups of tea, I realised the water tastes awful from it and then I smelt inside the kettle........ ugh, I can't believe I drank from it.
Just an awful metallic smell and taste.
Is there any way of getting rid of it, or do all aluminium camping kettles have this problem?
Quote: Originally posted by blazer666_uk on 27/6/2011
Just keep boiling water in it for a few times taste should go away.
Blazer is right. With any new kettle you ought to boil it full a few times, throwing away the water (or use for washing or something) and then boil up for a brew. Same with electric kettles as well!!
First time out this year, I forgot my little electric kettle had been standing all winter. First time the tea tasted yuck! so I think perhaps doing the same as a bove after it's not been used for a while might be a good idea as well!
Sometimes though, the taste of the water is to do with being in a different area than the one you're used to.
Hi, I've posted about a similar problem and am now onto kettle No 3 (in born-again-camper time): Gelert stainless steel metallic whistling kettle. Not as cheap but after trial runs in the kitchen home here, it seems to be OK.