I've just got back from a 4 day trip in my new Vango Nevis 600. One day while it was moderately windy (but not stormy or anything), we returned to find the side door open to the elements. The zip had just come apart, presumably due to the pressure of the wind!
The guy ropes were all pegged out, so we were rather shocked that the zip had come apart just like that. Fortunately it pretty easy to fix it by pulling the zip all the way to the top and re-zipping it back up again. The zip seems fine now, no problems.
Has anyone had this sort of experience with this tent or other tents before? Is there additional precautions that should be take to prevent strain on zips due windy conditions?
It usually only happens when the fabric in that area is pretty taut anyway, for instance if it gets hot during the day and the poles expand, or if you pegged out or adjusted the tent with the door open. Also sometines tents can have slightly tight areas where a seam runs across the zip line or when there's a guying point nearbye, that sort of thing. You can take the stress of a zip by checking all of these things and perhaps moving a guyline , also pegging the doorflap corners down across the direction of the zip. And keeping doors to the downwind side of the tent wherever possible of course, though you can't help that last if the wind suddenly changes direction.