We had Cadac Carri chef, for us we found it was big and bulky when transporting it and a pain to wash ( did wash it everytime we used it though ) Sold that and brought the Cadac Safari Chef, it may be smaller but we found ( myself, oh, 2 lads) it was big enough for 4 people. Everything fits into 1 bag and doesnt take up much room in the car or van and easy to wash
after trying a variety of gas & charcoal bbqs we settled for a safari with its own gas cylindder.
its small, yes, but adequate, versatile, easily cleaned and well we like it.
LP is the gas that comes in a refillable bottle and needs a hose and a regulator. Hp uses the smaller disposable screw in gas canisters. I think that's the right way round. We have just bought an lp Safari for camping...there are 4 of us, and the grill is bigger than the George Foreman we use at home, so I think it will be plenty big enough. We looked at the Carri, and thought it was too heavy, and cumbersome for us.
We have the carri chef deluxe which is a perfect size for us anything else has been too small although there are normally 5 of us sometimes 6 if the eldest comes