Am looking for some really good vacuum bags - bought some from Wilkos as an emergency on my last camp to Devon as we had done our usual and gone shopping for various bits and pieces to add to an already overloaded car and roof box!!!!!
The Wilkos ones seemed pretty useless tbh and one set wouldn't work at all, so now on the hunt for some decent ones for future camps.
Asda ones I bought recently seem OK. I filled them with all our towels, underwear and pillows a week before we travelled and they were still fine when we arrived. There were 3 smaller ones and two large ones and I paid £3 for the lot.
You can get a set from argos, all different sizes. I've had loads, I've paid £20 for 2 once, from a company recommended on here, and they were rubbish! Holes after 2 uses! The space storage ones are good. Still using those. Couldn't camp without vacuum bags!
Next installment! We are moving on tomorrow so decided to pack some stuff today. Asda Vacuum bags filled and deflated using the airbed pump (on "suck"). No problems and very happy with them.