4 Outwell SIM's 1 year Old x 2 Serenity 5cm 1 Elegance Double 7.5cm (really two singles joined)
x3 Have "punctured" some multiple times All are very comfortable but three have had multiple puntures, 4 small holes in the material around the valves but the double has had a seam go plus several small leakes where is joins to it's twin. Ok, so not hard to fix with a bit of seam grip, some patience and some geek forum trawling, but the buiud quality is surely woeful. Outdoor kit that gives up on some light family camping!? Thank god I'm not on an expedition! Two observations: Double SIM's seem to be uniquely prone to this my the way they fold and roll together for storage. The generic valve assembly on most of these products seem to pinch and "cut" into the SIM material Impressed by SIM comfort but not impressed by the quality or durability in this instance. What SIM would folk recommend and why, especially with regards to the valve design, the majority seem to have the same valve assmbelies and probably come out of the same factory in China.... Thanks. P.