We have a Hi Gear Corado 4 tent which we'd like to buy a carpet for. These are all discontinued now unfortunately so I'm looking for one of a similar size.
The living area is 3.2 x 2.4m - Does anyone know any tents with a similar living area??
Hi Miller83
I have a Corado 4 carpet that I no longer need, sold tent and thought we might use in new one but have not. It is virtually new, only been used once. Will take £35 for it (£48 new), live in Norwich or can post at cost.
I am now wondering if Miller83 really wanted this carpet or if it was a waste of time request, wether he has bought one on e-bay or elsewhere. Surly an update on this post would have been a polite thing to do or that asking too much!!
Hi wanderer - sincere apologies to both yourself and Carol for not replying sooner! Didn't mean to be rude.
I am interested in buying a carpet for our tent, however we are going on Friday and were ideally looking to get one before then...however that hasn't happened as yet! Thank you for your offer for buying your carpet, however I'm sure the postage costs will push the price up considerably due to the size and weight, so I will say thank you but I will pass.
Apologies again for the late reply and thank you for replying to my post!
Lizzie, we used Outwell Carpets for our Cabanon, one for the living area and one for the bedroom pod.
A stall on our local market did the alterations for us, so that the carpets were both a perfect bespoke fit, I just used a magic marker on the carpets to show were they needed to be cut.
The carpets came back, perfect all hemmed etc, superb job, for £10 per carpet.