We were away last weekend and managed to bend all but 2 of our rock pegs in very hard ground. Are the any that are really bend proof or is it a case of continuous replacements.
I've had some for years & most have not bent, those that have I straighten in my workbench vice when I get home. They should be made of hardened steel but with everybody trying to find the cheapest pegs, sold at Aldi & all, that quality is bound to suffer.
I guess all you can do is replace as necessary & hope you get some good ones.
The trick is to have a variety of different peg types so that you can match to the ground you're on. Really thick pegs that you hit with a lump hammer are good but in some circumstances the ones that you screw in with an electric drill cope better. And if it's just grass we've found the plastic screw-in ones that use the same bolt head size as the caravan stays are good.