We usually use a bin bag on a plastic frame (folding type) .... as any food waste has to be disposed of in a plastic bag, and not dumped, unbaked, into the site bin.
We have, on several occasions found the bag pierced by local fauna during the night ... but not that often. The anti-dote to this is to dispose of the bag before retiring.
We stick a carrier bag in my wee-wee bucket during the day, when we take the dog for his last walk of the day before bed we take the bag to the main bin. The bucket has a lid, so that helps keeps flies & wasps away. If we've got a fire pit card and paper goes in there for burning or it gets recycled if fires aren't allowed. Glass bottles go for recycling either in site or on our way home.
Quote: Originally posted by Ernie DB on 23/6/2018
What we need is a collapsible bin, like those collapsible buckets but with a secure lid. With a handful of sawdust it could double up as an emergency loo.
Perhaps the design students who post on here could take this up, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.
Er, why don't you use a collapsible bucket with lid?
We have a small cuboid lidded bucket thing, in which I used to put old carrier bags (maybe I'll switch to the compostable ones) in which I put the non-recyclable waste, food leftovers and peelings etc. It gets emptied often as it's not large but, is somewhere on the pitch to store this waste when necessary. I have a small bowls for 'slops' too (what a lovely old fashioned word).
The use of carrier bags and bin liners is an interesting debate for our supposedly 'green' activity and one worth us all thinking about.
This ties in nicely to "new camping family" topic from last week which highlighted the abundance of grumpy caravanners! Rubbish generated whilst camping could be tied up inside a carrier bag and gently deposited on the roof of aforementioned grumpy caravanner...early morning is best..and then sit back with a cuppa/beer/wine and enjoy watching the seagulls tap-dance on and decorate the caravan as they investigate the bag.Eventually -whatever shreds of rubbish are left will be spread around the caravan and grumpy will have to pick it up and deposit it in whichever device he has chosen for rubbish containment.
Problem solved for campers---rubbish gone and free entertainment.