How many type of egg rings are there?
I'm only familiar with the silicone type (as mentioned above) which we always use for frying eggs with the yolk. However, I did try once using the silicone rings for frying egg omellettes but not recommended as they took ages to cook and a bit tasteless.
Hi thanks for the replies. Silicone it is then. I was worried they wouldn't seal to the surface as well as the metal ones that are also available and we'd end up with only the yolk in the ring😝
Next question - where do you buy yours. I know poundland have them but is this a case of you get what you pay for?
I purchased my silicone egg rings off Ebay a couple of years ago which were quite cheap actually but having looked in Poundland for the last couple of months they don't appear to sell them, not in our local store anyway.
As an added tip, apply a slight smear of cooking oil around the inside of the egg ring first as this will help to stop any of the egg white sticking to the surface when the silicone ring is lifted.