"Hate to tell you this Wayne but the estate car and the saloon are in fact identical in overall length and wheeelbase and when you have had an estate for a while you really wont want to go back. They handle just as well as a saloon and these days are just as sporty looking."
Bugger! THought someone would pick this up! LMAO
Its hard to explain but....what I really meant was the space inside-I seem to rattle around in an estate when trundling to and from work everyday (It gets lonely in there lol) Its great when its fully loaded and off camping etc..but that doesn't happen that often. Just a personal thing I guess.
Gill-The Saab never crossed my mind TBH, but now you mention it....
Technophobe-I have really been looking at the older car market, though for half the new price on a 2 year old.......That aint too bad!-Certainly warrants a look-see!
I think any car over the £3000 limit would have to wait until we move house. As much as I would like an almost new car, i would much prefer a quiet life, which is one thing I wouldn't get if I spent the savings on a car and forfeit that "dream home" she has her eye on!! PMSL
ANd if we do ever get moved the new house should have a garage....and that means trailer time!!!!!