Here is ANOTHER way to cut Genny Noise. Not as good as the BOX idea but simple and no cooling fan required.
Its simple Get Three pieces of 6MM ply about 50MM by 50MM each.
Hinge them together and place on the ground around the Generator like a U shape. This will cut the noise in the backward direction BUT it will megaphone it louder in the OPEN end direction. To use this method you need to be camped on a fence to direct the noise away from other campers.
The best way to hinge thin ply is to make and use Webbing and staple it to the ply Also it will fold Flat to carry it.
Don't expect miracles but at 30 feet it will chop a bit of noise off.
The only real answer to the Noise intrusion to fellow campers is to NOT buy CHEAP and get a HONDA...Then silence it in a cooled box ....Then When on site START IT and go to the neighbours on Either side (No further necessary ) and ASK them if they can HEAR your genny and if they MIND.
They may ONLY JUST be able to make it out BUT inside their caravan NOT A PEEP will be heard. Asking breaks barriers and gets you off to a good start.
I also offer them power to their Charger (ONLY) so their battery is getting topped up at little cost to you!!.
Only try the BOX and baffle methods with a HONDA Dropping just couple of decibels from 87 will be noticeable on the human ear BUT a few DB from a noisy one is a waste of time!!
------------- Paul