I'm pretty well decided on buying a Waeco 3 way fridge but just wondered whether anybody had any comments on the noise in operation. I've heard the Sibir equivalent which is almost silent.
Hi Paul. We've just come back from Brittany where we took our new Mobicool 3-way. It was FAB! Plugged it in and cooled it down the day before we went, plugged it into the car driving down to the ferry, it stayed cool unplugged overnight then plugged back into the car on the drive to the site.
On the site mains electric we were able to make ice cubes by balancing the little tray on top of the element shelf (didn't use them but we made them anyway!) - and there was the lovely chilled white wine .... We found it worked well to put small 0.5L bottles of water in to cool overnight when the external temperature was lower. And I agree, it's virtually silent. Haven't used it on gas yet.
Although it takes up a fair bit of space in the car, wouldn't go without it now. Not cheap but IMHO a good buy.
We have the Waeco Combicool 3 way and used it constantly for our 3 week holiday (on an inverter in the car whilst travelling and on EHU when on site) absolutely no noise whatsoever. Brilliant piece of kit and kept our drinks and food that wouldn't fit in the caravan fridge nice and cold.
------------- Gaynor
I have three sides, left, right and wrong - which one are you on?
The car electrics are 12 volt direct current,(DC), but the fridge operates on 240 volt alternating current, (AC).
The inverter changes the voltage, AND changes it from DC to AC.