Just to let others know, here are current fuel prices we found on our way out here to Austria. (sorry its mainly diesel, but you should get an idea)
France, Auchan Calais, 1.114 Euro for Diesel
Germany, Motorway services 1.286 Euro for Diesel
Luxembourgh (anywhere as all same price in Lux) :
Diesel 0.970 Euro
Ultimate Diesel 1.079 Euro
95 Unleaded 1.152 Euro
Ultimate 98 Unleaded 1.179
Austria, Off motorway, Diesel 1.164
We're quite happy with the prices, and even happier as we got an exchange rate of nearly 1.22 Euros to the pound on our pre paid currency card that we use!
Back in UK we paid £1.25 per litre for Diesel.